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What is love and passion?  Ultimately, I believe it's a question all humans have pondered, and though I'll never be able to answer that question in this brief description of my small business, for me, love and passion are what brought me back "home" to the honeybee.  You see, my Grandfather kept bees many years ago, as did most folks of that era.  Well, at least most folks that needed a natural source of sugar for everyday life.  It is mindboggling just how many skills and techniques have been lost just within the last 100 years that were simply ways of life for folks of a bygone era. It was a labor of love and a passion for the honeybee that has brought me full-circle to this day. I guess you can say it was inherently programmed deep within my soul and DNA, as I have been more "complete" since my "re-discovery" of this amazing creature.   


A few years back my father suggested I take over the role of managing his small apiary, as he just had too much work to contend with on his own.  I graciously accepted the role and have been working to try and expand since that day.  Since his retirement, I'd say he's now working more than ever. 


I currently work full-time and am devoting my spare time and energy into offering honeybee related products from all natural, real, local honey to all natural, organic, lip-balms and salves with many ideas for new recipes and expansion in my skincare line coming almost daily.  Though my honey production is not to the level I'd like to be at, I do currently have limited supplies of honey currently available.  My honey recently won first place blue ribbon in our local county fair, and that is something I'm very proud of.     





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